Afrikan Gods Series part3

Afrikan Gods Series One – PART 3

Those who call evil good and good evil are as good as dead, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter. Being a true Goddess comes with greater responsibility and i this day and age where promiscuity is rife. Staying ture to yourself becomes a […]


Umkhonto – when a goddess reaches her 21st birthday, an uncle will hand a spear to the Goddess. The spear represents the uncle as the protector. when the uncle gives the spear this means he now trust that she can take care of herself. she is now free to make own decisions. she can now […]

African Women Stars Message to girls (must watch)

Subtitles As i was saying my friend… That if we all can seat down… Then teach each other.. We could really move forward, with this virginity testing of girls.. We will keep moving forward because, this is a very beautiful thing.. It teaches, by putting us in a better position as the virgins Because we […]

Google Sexualising Children Evidence part 3

Google is a racist organisation that perpatrates, hate towards African woman, discrimination,and sexualization of younger children. Learn more visit: TV : MOVIES :