Talk Africa51 Videos

African Women Stars Message to girls (must watch)

Subtitles As i was saying my friend… That if we all can seat down… Then teach each other.. We could really move forward, with this virginity testing of girls.. We will keep moving forward because, this is a very beautiful thing.. It teaches, by putting us in a better position as the virgins Because we […]

Apartheid Did Not Die (vuka muntu omnyama).

Apartheid is institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that exists in South Africa, legalized racism that still operates in today. Most is seen and felt in the struggle for economic development and transformation. Apartheid is still alive but in a new different form.

Censorship Google | Facebook 03/08/2018

Support Our Fight DONATE : GOOGLE & FACEBOOK MUST IMMIDIATELY: 1. Stop abusing our woman and children. 2. Stop sexualising children. 3. Stop using policies that undermines or insults other peoples’s dignity. 4. Stop age restricting bonafide African Traditions and its content. 5. Stop suggesting African Traditions as inappropriate . 6. Stop suggesting African […]